The History of Ocean Odyssey and Horizon Charters:
1971 to Present.
Founded in 1971 by the husband and wife team of Lou and Sandy Grivetto, the company they have today only slightly resembles the original version.
1971 - 1981Our company's humble beginning started in 1971 with the 46' fishing vessel named 'Alicia'. Working together onboard the boat, Lou at the helm and Sandy serving up fine food to hungry fisherman, 'Alicia' was primarily utilized for overnight sportfishing excursions to the fish rich grounds off of the coast of Southern California and Northern Baja, Mexico.
Amazingly enough, 'Alicia' is still in service for a different sportfishing company in San Diego, tied up directly next to 'Ocean Odyssey'.
1981 - 1989The winds of change were in the air and opportunity was calling. We purchased the 65' fishing vessel 'Horizon', and Horizon Charters started to take shape. Along with fishing, SCUBA diving and Marine Science Education was added to our repertoire.
Lou and Sandy continued to take fisherman to the offshore grounds as 'Horizon' afforded more comfort and range than 'Alicia', therefore business improved as our seasonal venture moved more year-round.
1989 - 1995In 1989, after 8 successful years onboard the 65-foot 'Horizon', it was time to expand. A beautiful 80-foot vessel had recently joined the San Diego fishing fleet and was up for sale. With the new larger, more comfortable 'Horizon', our future was clearer than ever!
That same year we made our first exploratory excursion to Islas San Benito to investigate possible future dive destinations. What we found on that trip was a pristine marine environment that was so diverse that we made the decision on the spot to start offering live aboard adventures to this destination. Few divers had ever been to the Baja coast and offshore islands. We wanted to show the world what we'd found and within two years were offering trips to Isla San Benito, Isla Guadalupe and other points south.
With the success of the ‘Horizon’ and increasing demand for extended duration dive trips it became clear to the Grivetto’s that a second vessel was needed to relieve ‘Horizon’ of her fishing charters and make her a full time dive vessel. Also the short range dive trips were in demand as ‘Horizon’ was exploring the Mexican coastline.
In February 1995, we brought a second vessel into our fleet, the 85 foot 'Ocean Odyssey'. Her primary function was to take sportsfisherman to the fantastic southern California tuna fishing.
1996 - 2003
The second half of the 90's and early millennium were hopping! 'Ocean Odyssey' was put into service as a full time fishing vessel, and rounded out the off season with Marine Science Education field trips. This arrangement worked well within our system and kept Horizon Charters diversified.
1999 - 2003During the early summer of 2000 'Ocean Odyssey' was re-powered with more environmentally friendly engines. We decreased our fuel consumption by 15% while our emissions were reduced by over 60%. Modern technology, an amazing thing!
In early fall 2003 ‘Ocean Odyssey’ wrapped up her fishing trips, cleaned off the fish scales, and took her maiden voyage to Guadalupe Island. Aboard were 16 adventure seekers looking to come face to face with the worlds most feared apex predator, the Great White Shark. ‘Ocean Odyssey’ joined ‘Horizon’ in the adventure of a lifetime. This was the first of many voyages to this amazing destination.
The Present
In 2006 ‘Ocean Odyssey’ acquired a valuable asset when they hired captain Rick Scott. Rick’s love for the ocean and fishing make ‘Ocean Odyssey’ a constant contender against the competition. In 2008 Captain Rick took ‘Ocean Odyssey’ on her first kayak mothership trip. With the swim platform already installed it made this type of trip simple. It was a very successful trip and we are hoping to load up the kayaks and take off several times a year.
We are also always open for suggestions if you have a great trip idea! Being diverse and open minded is what has made ‘Ocean Odyssey’ what she is today. Stay tuned because there is always something new and exciting going on.